16 fevereiro 2006

MIT e o Open Source

Talvez ganhemos mais do que esperamos se o M.I.T. sempre se estabelecer em Portugal.
Acabei de ver o tema do MIT Enterprise Forum 2006 Workshop: "Charting the Course Through Open Source"

Citando a introdução à workshop:
"Open source software is one of the major factors that will define the software industry in this decade. Until just a few years ago, open source was viewed as an emerging phenomenon.

Today, open source code is widely used by even the most traditional organizations. Young entrepreneurs and software engineers look to open source projects as a wellspring of innovation, with the potential to significantly accelerate time to market."

Pode ser que nos ajude a abrir os olhos..Não sei porquê, mas em Portugal parece que gostamos de pensar por outras cabeças em vez de usar as nossas..

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Nice blog. Keep up the good work.

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